Relationship Destroyers – Part Three

. About Intimate and/or Sexual Relationships – Part 3 Are Your Ready To Get Serious Here? I was pleased to receive your responses. Everyone’s comments in Part 2 were right because those were the main principles we were taught to abide by to maintain the best relationship(s) possible.  To remember the conclusion of Part 2, we agreed that: Trust, respect, honesty, communication and fidelity are the main principles for most romantic or sexual relationships.  I asked: “Do you think these basic principles are enough to ensure most intimate or sexual couples of a harmonious, fun-loving, romantic, successful, lengthy relationship?”  The answer is flat out – NO! Before I continue with an explanation, I will tell you briefly about myself, because an insight to my thinking and philosophy is necessary for you to understand how and why I come to the conclusions I do.  That, in and of itself, still might not be enough for you to follow my train of thought, and that’s okay.  I don’t expect all of you to do so, for the simple reason we all come from different places in life at the present time, different lifestyles, different cultures, different belief systems/traditions, different educational backgrounds, different family… Continue reading