My Legendary History Will Continue To Thrive!!!


In 2008, when I graduated from Maimonides University with a Ph.D., I thought my credentials would be compromised if I remained a Pro Domme and founder/owner of my Dungeon Club in Pompano Beach, Florida.  Only a few months after my graduation, I regrettably and sadly sold Command Performance, Inc. to a Mistress who worked as my manager, whom I had trained to run the business.  At that time, when I felt my life had taken another huge turn, I didn’t realize that forsaking my business would not have jeopardized my new career and goals as an author, guest speaker, and relationship coach.

I created, launched and ran Command Performance for over 16 years, through a mine field of trials and tribulations including: numerous bomb threats on my club and death threats to me plus a police raid all from an angry, ruthless competitor; trouble with the city, county, code enforcement or landlords; numerous issues with hired help and.. you name it, it wasn’t a picnic to keep my doors open, but I did!

As I look back at 2008, I say to myself, Mistress Carla – if you had it to do over, would you sell Command Performance?  My Answer would be a flat, “NO!  No, I would not.”  You may be wondering why, because it sounded like the sensible thing to do, especially because of the degree of difficulty to operate the club. It would have been the sensible, logical move if I had wanted to depart from the BDSM scene and leather lifestyle.  It may have been the best choice if I had not decided to become an author. But neither is the case.  Command Performance would have given me a huge stage in the literary world, called a ‘platform’! That platform would have served me well!

While I owned Command Performance, I had been approached by several radio stations for interviews, underground tabloids for stories and a local magazine called Miami Metro for a big article.  I was invited to be a Guest Speaker at big National Conventions nationwide and to host BDSM seminars in other clubs and organizations.  In 1994, Channel 7 TV, videoed Command Performance’s interior and they invited me to be a Guest Speaker on their ‘Sex Talk’ show.  I was also approached by other club owners to do ‘live’ BDSM shows at their clubs.  I performed Guest Lectures at my club for groups of students in the Masters and Doctoral programs in psychology and human sexuality at local universities.  So, all in all, I had continuous publicity in the mainstream during my entire tenor at Command Performance.  There was always something going on which kept my name out in the social media spotlight, involved in one capacity or another.

I have been an underground celebrity for over 35 years. I earned an infamous, legendary reputation in the 1980s which started in 1983 when my first dungeon was raided by police officers and then I struggled for years later while being persecuted and prosecuted by the State of Florida.  A Witch-Hunt and Court Battle attempted to ruin my spirit and destroy my pride, but I stayed true to my convictions and got through horrible trauma and devastation.  I picked myself up by my bootstraps, kicked the restraints out from under me and forged ahead once again to find another path and future success.

As I look back at the early 1980s, I say to myself, Mistress Carla – if you had it to do over, would you have set up the very first dungeon in Florida, knowing you would go through hell because of it?  My Answer would be a flat, “Yes!”  I would do that over again.

Now, as I sit here at my desk on a full moon night, compelled to write this story for you, I am telling you I would like to do it all again.  And you would say to me, “Are you kidding me!?  You would challenge the system again in spite of all the trouble and hardships you’ve been through?”  And my answer to you would be: “You better believe I would! I would go out on a limb for the 3rd time and open the biggest, best, damned club on this planet!!!  No kidding, I would and for two reasons.  If I found a financial backer who believed in me, I know exactly what I would do, which is on my Bucket List.
This place has been under major construction in my creative brain for over 20 years!  It would not only give me a huge platform for my books, but it would give my scene folks their ultimate fantasy under one roof.  So if you know anyone who might be interested in the challenge of a lifetime, you know where to send them.  An anonymous ‘money pig’ would do.  For those who don’t have a clue what that is, Google it.

Also, keep your eyes peeled for the sequel to Queen of Domination which will be out later this summer, called:

Command Performance Exposed!

I want to thank all my friends, clients, contacts and colleagues for all of your support through the years of my life! I hope that we will be able to get together once again in the future…. Yours Dominantly, (if you Like Dominance) and Yours Truly, for everyone else: Dr. Charlayne Grenci – AKA Grande Mistress Carla.



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